
The Department of Education is targeting December 1 as the opening date for the 2025-2026 FAFSA. As soon as that information becomes available, we will update this information.

Once Aquinas has received FAFSA information from the Department of Education, 我们将尽快打包并寄出一份经济援助通知书 to assist students and families in determining the true cost of attending Aquinas College.  


FAFSA 2024/2025

The significant improvements to the 2024–25 FAFSA form expand eligibility for federal student aid, helping an estimated 610,000 more students get Federal Pell Grants. Recipients 将获得更多的援助,近1.500万额外学生获得最高限额 Pell Grant award. 新的FAFSA表格还提供了简化的用户体验 学生及其家庭. 数以百万计的学生和家庭将受益于 Department’s effort to streamline the FAFSA experience, so applicants only see relevant 根据他们提供的答案提出问题.

您可能对这些更改有疑问. 我们的财政援助部门在这里 帮助回答任何问题. 请随时联系 finaid@52477799.com or (616) 632-2893.



Completing the FAFSA is the best way to maximize a student’s potential financial aid eligibility.  The State of Michigan also uses this information to determine eligibility for state grants, so students do not need a separate application for state aid. 



关于2024/2025 FAFSA的更多信息

  • FAFSA将于2023年12月推出,而不是10月. 1.
  • The FAFSA will be streamlined and more user-friendly with fewer questions.
  • The 学生资助指数(SAI) will replace the Expected Family Contribution (EFC).
  • 联邦援助资格将扩大到更多的学生. 
  • IRS 直接数据交换(DDX) makes entering tax information easier and will require students, spouses, and parents to transfer their 2022 tax information or non-filing status.
  • The number of family members in college will no longer factor into the FAFSA calculation.
  • Untaxed items such as payments to tax-deferred retirement or pension plans, veteran’s non-educational benefits, and worker’s compensation will no longer be required.
  • Parent assets will now include the net worth of all businesses and the net worth of 家庭农场(如适用).
  • For divorced or separated parents: The parent who provided the most financial support 学生将需要提供他们的信息. 以前,父母谁 与学生住在一起最多的是他们提供的信息.
  • Everyone contributing to the FAFSA form online must have an account on the Federal 学生资助(FSA)网站. 每个贡献者,包括学生,将访问他们的 帐户有自己的FSA ID(帐户用户名和密码).

学生资助指数(SAI):由FAFSA数据计算,并将决定学生的资助资格. This replaces 前几年使用的EFC.

出勤费用(COA): COA includes tuition and fees, food and housing, books and supplies (including course 材料和设备)、杂项费用和交通费. 

Contributor: A parent, step-parent, student, or spouse of the student who is providing information to the FAFSA. 

Consent: Required from all contributors in order for the IRS to share tax data directly to the FAFSA. If any contributor does not provide consent, the student will automatically 没有资格获得援助.

直接数据交换(DDX): Previously known as IRS Data Retrieval; this tool imports tax data directly from IRS到FAFSA.

FAFSA提交摘要(FSS): FAFSA信息的汇总. 这将取代学生资助报告 (SAR)是前几年使用的.


There is a 联邦学生援助Youtube频道 有很多很好的资源和最新的信息. 看看他们的视频解释 2024/2025年FAFSA变化如下.




Students and any other contributors require a Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID. 


The parent who provides the most financial support to the student should be the contributor.  If that parent is remarried, their spouse will also need to be included in the parent 信息部分.

Most likely not.  教育部将不会发送FAFSA信息 to institutions until mid-March, so we will not be able to confirm receipt of FAFSA, make corrections, or start awarding financial aid until after they are delivered.

Any student who requires a contributor’s information and does not consent and agree to share that information will have an incomplete and rejected FAFSA form.  The student 不会被联邦政府的财政援助考虑吗.  这适用于密歇根 居民也需要国家援助.

Beginning with the 2024-25 FAFSA cycle (late December), which will require individuals -无论其公民身份如何-都可以获得学生援助.要访问的Gov帐户 并签署FAFSA表格. 本公告描述了个人没有的过程 一个社会安全号码(SSN),以成功创建他们的学生援助.gov account.
For several years, the Department of Education (Department) has partnered with the Social Security Administration (SSA) to verify individuals' identity used in the StudentAid.gov 帐号创建流程. 与SSA的这种伙伴关系是我们的主要方法 the Department verifies an individual's identity and creates a StudentAid.gov account. 如果SSA无法核实个人的身份(e.g., SSN不匹配), the Department has created a secondary identity verification process, which requires individuals to answer knowledge-based questions through a partnership with TransUnion®.
Individuals who do not possess an SSN (who fail the SSA match), as well as individuals who fail the TransUnion® verification processes will be required to complete the StudentAid.gov 专门为没有社会安全号码的人开发的帐户创建流程.
StudentAid.gov账户创建说明(分步 社会安全号码(SSN)
This process outlines the steps needed in order for an individual without an SSN to 他们的身份是否得到核实和助学金.创建政府账户.
第一步:个人应该去拜访 StudentAid.gov, select “Create Account” and complete all steps, including answering 1-4 knowledge-based 通过TransUnion®验证问题.
Step 2: Upon completing 创建帐户流程, the individual will see a confirmation 页中包含其身份验证的结果. 如果他们失败了,TransUnion® 过程中,FSA将自动分配一个案件编号给个人.
Step 3: Once the case number is created, FSA will send them a verification email in their preferred language (English or Spanish), which will include their case number, along with guidance on how to submit copies of unexpired acceptable documentation (如下所列),以核实他们的身份. 个人也需要提交 an attestation and validation of identity form along with their approved identity documentation. 此表格可于 http://studentaid.gov/forms-library.
  • U.S. Driver’s License
  • U.S. 州/城市身份证
  • Foreign Passport
  • 市政身份证+水电费
  • 社区身份证+水电费
  • 领事身份证/领事材料+水电费
Step 4: Upon receipt of the email that FSA was unable to verify their identity, an individual is then required to submit one or a combination of their acceptable documentation 从上面的列表和签署的证明表格: IDVerification@ed.gov.
Step 5: FSA will review an individual’s submitted documentation and signed attestation form to ensure it is acceptable and matches the account information provided during 创建帐户流程. 如果匹配成功,本部门将进行最终确定 创建帐户. 个人将收到一封表明其身份的电子邮件 has been verified and that they may now use their account username and password (FSA ID)登入 StudentAid.go完成学生资助计划的申请.